Melissa talking in a podcast

Breaking Through Shame: Embracing Your Worth and Stepping Into Authentic Living

November 13, 20242 min read


Whether it is in business or in someone’s personal life, 

Shame is without a doubt the biggest block I see in people breaking through what is holding them back from living the way that they want to.

And it is an energy I studied, because it consumed me for so long.

As someone who has felt a LOT of shame, in many ways…. 

From feeling misunderstood in the way things were perceived vs. the reality

From blaming myself for Leyden’s passing and my duty as her mother to keep her safe

To hiding in my own ways, and playing smaller than I knew I could

Understanding shame is the path to breaking through.

When we know what a behavior or thought is coming from, we can shift out of auto-pilot and into a more empowered choice. 

Which is something I dedicated a lot of time to doing, in order to truly live freely and authentically.

And, like anything, it’s a continued practice.

As you think about how shame might impact you, perhaps these indicators will support you:

It can sound like……

If I can’t do THIS, how could I ever do THAT?

What is wrong with me? Why do I keep doing this?

She has it figured out, why can’t I?

If _____ sees this, they will not love me/accept me.

If I fail or do not get a certain result, I am not worthy. 

It can look like….

Avoidance, binge eating, drinking, numbing out

Forceful exercise or activities out of fear 

Doing things from a place of “should” not authentic joy 

People pleasing, staying in a career you don’t like

Not risking or going for it, for fear of failure.

And if you do notice that shame pops up in your life, bring compassion, curiosity and commitment to seeing what other energies can drive decision making.

I highly recommend my 4-step method that I created to help with this among other applications to break patterns that no longer serve.

You can download it on my website for free, or just reply “4 step method” and I will send it your way.

Sending you so much love-

You are worthy, and the world needs your magic.

- Melissa 

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