Top 10 Limiting Beliefs Holding You Back — And How to Rewire Your Mindset
Did you know that your brain is lazy and will literally reach for the “easiest” thought pattern accessible?
This is why I am a stickler for the way we use our thoughts, writing and spoken words.
Because those narratives, literally become your reality.
I love mindset. I love teaching.
So I really love teaching mindset.
After coaching thousands in mindset, I’ve seen these pesky limiting beliefs pop up over and over again.
Thought patterns that are super accessible- they are wired to keep us “safe”….. but in truth, keep us stuck.
Here are my top 10 to shift away from:
👎 someone else’s success means there is less success/abundance for me to achieve.
👎 the way it’s always been done, is the way I “should” do it.
👎 if I can’t do it perfectly, I shouldn’t bother.
👎 someone is either right or wrong in their beliefs and choices and I am also either right or wrong in mine.
👎 it’s best to wait until “things get better”, it’s “less scary” or “more clear” before taking action.
👎 if I trigger or upset someone, I am less worthy.
👎 if someone triggers or upsets me, they are to blame.
👎 if I try harder, things will change.
👎 I am going to do this to prove to _________ that ___________ .
👎 If it doesn’t work out, I am a failure or I will look like a failure.
The list goes on- but all of these beliefs are rooted in what I call “lack” - meaning a scarcity mindset.
One that festers in the low vibes of blame, comparison, victimization, judgment, ego and more.
The good news is, just like you can change your physical body, you can literally change the way in which your mind thinks.
I coach a 4-step method to rewire thought patterns and replace these limiting beliefs, with expansive ones.
It starts with identifying which, if any, of these make their way into your mindset.
Moves into release.
Then replacement.
Then reflection.
The way I see it, we need more minds thinking expansively.
So together we can grow, expansively, too.
Hope this “top 10” helps you.
Sending love.